Dartmouth vs Manhattan (Sep 02, 2011)


Volleyball Box Score

Volleyball Box Score
2011 Manhattan Volleyball
Dartmouth vs Manhattan
(Sep 02, 2011 at Lewisburg, Pa.)

   Dartmouth      ATTACK  SET  SERVE  SRV  DEF  BLOCK  GEN    
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE  Points 
7   Houston, Kendall   1.000  28  10  2.0 
9   Baird, Madeline   34  .147  12  8.0 
10  Dicovitsky, Rose   10  .400  6.0 
13  Villanueva, Annie   11  18  .556  11.0 
14  Cooney, Meghan   24  .125  13  8.5 
15  Elisa Scudder   10  .700  9.0 
2   Schoenberger, Alex   .000  0.0 
4   Bradley, Taylor   .000  0.0 
5   Santa Maria, Alissa   .000  0.0 
8   Pohlman, Lucia   1.000  3.0 
16  Bryant, Amber   .000  0.0 
  Totals  40  100  .320  35  53  47.5 
Set  TA  Pct 
12  34  .324 
17  33  .424 
11  33  .212 
Dartmouth   (3)  25  25  25     1-0  
Manhattan   (0)  17  10  23     1-2  

   Manhattan      ATTACK  SET  SERVE  SRV  DEF  BLOCK  GEN    
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE  Points 
3   Havens, LaKell   15  .333  9.5 
4   Lampasona, Alexa   26  -.038  7.0 
6   Henderson, Hollegn   .000  29  0.5 
7   Furquim, Mariana   27  .037  8.5 
11  McGuinness, Malia   11  39  .051  11.5 
13  Heck, Maddie   .125  3.0 
2   Bies, Julie   .000  10  0.0 
8   Aldrich, Jackie   .000  0.0 
9   DeGagne, Brittany   -.250  0.0 
12  Huntoon, Kelsey   -.500  0.0 
16  Haselhorst, Sarah   .000  0.0 
  Totals  33  27  124  .048  30  46  40.0 
Set  TA  Pct 
14  40  .125 
41  .024 
13  13  43  .000 
    Site: Lewisburg, Pa. (Davis Gym)
Date: Sep 02, 2011 Attend: 72 Time: 1:19
Referees: Tim McMahon, Alan Sowa
Tie scores 
Lead changes 


Volleyball Detailed Stats

Volleyball Detailed Stats
2011 Manhattan Volleyball
Dartmouth vs Manhattan
(Sep 02, 2011 at Lewisburg, Pa.)

   Dartmouth      ATTACK  ASSIST  SERVE     BLOCKING  RECEPT    
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct  Points 
7   Houston, Kendall   1.000  28  33  .848  .800  10  .000  2.0 
9   Baird, Madeline   34  .147  16  .062  24  1.000  12  18  .947  8.0 
10  Dicovitsky, Rose   10  .400  .000  .000  .000  6.0 
13  Villanueva, Annie   11  18  .556  .000  .000  .000  11.0 
14  Cooney, Meghan   24  .125  12  .000  1.000  13  11  .917  8.5 
15  Elisa Scudder   10  .700  1.000  .667  .000  9.0 
2   Schoenberger, Alex   .000  .500  .000  .000  0.0 
4   Bradley, Taylor   .000  .000  1.000  1.000  0.0 
5   Santa Maria, Alissa   .000  .500  .000  .000  0.0 
8   Pohlman, Lucia   1.000  .000  12  1.000  1.000  3.0 
16  Bryant, Amber   .000  14  .214  10  .900  13  1.000  0.0 
TM  TEAM   .000  .000  .000  .000  0.0 
  Totals.........  40  100  .320  35  86  .407  73  .918  53  44  .936  47.5 
Set  TA  Pct 
12  34  .324 
17  33  .424 
11  33  .212 
Dartmouth   (3)  25  25  25     1-0  
Manhattan   (0)  17  10  23     1-2  

   Manhattan      ATTACK  ASSIST  SERVE     BLOCKING  RECEPT    
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct  Points 
3   Havens, LaKell   15  .333  .000  12  .917  1.000  9.5 
4   Lampasona, Alexa   26  -.038  .250  .000  .500  7.0 
6   Henderson, Hollegn   .000  29  37  .784  1.000  .000  0.5 
7   Furquim, Mariana   27  .037  .000  10  .800  1.000  8.5 
11  McGuinness, Malia   11  39  .051  14  .000  .857  19  1.000  11.5 
13  Heck, Maddie   .125  .000  .000  1.000  3.0 
2   Bies, Julie   .000  15  .000  .833  10  14  1.000  0.0 
8   Aldrich, Jackie   .000  .000  .000  1.000  0.0 
9   DeGagne, Brittany   -.250  .000  .000  .000  0.0 
12  Huntoon, Kelsey   -.500  .000  1.000  1.000  0.0 
16  Haselhorst, Sarah   .000  .000  1.000  1.000  0.0 
TM  TEAM   .000  .000  .000  .000  0.0 
  Totals.........  33  27  124  .048  30  97  .309  52  .904  46  64  .955  40.0 
Set  TA  Pct 
14  40  .125 
41  .024 
13  13  43  .000 
    Site: Lewisburg, Pa. (Davis Gym)
Date: Sep 02, 2011 Attend: 72 Time: 1:19
Referees: Tim McMahon, Alan Sowa

Tie scores 
Lead changes 


Play-by-Play Summary

Play-by-Play Summary
2011 Manhattan Volleyball
Dartmouth vs Manhattan
(Sep 02, 2011 at Lewisburg, Pa.)

1st Set

For MAN: Lampasona, Alexa; Henderson, Hollegn; Furquim, Mariana; McGuinness, Malia; Heck, Maddie; Havens, LaKell; libero Bies, Julie.
For DAR: Houston, Kendall; Baird, Madeline; Dicovitsky, Rose; Villanueva, Annie; Cooney, Meghan; Elisa Scudder; libero Bryant, Amber.
0-1Point DAR - (Bies, Julie) Attack error by Lampasona, Alexa.so
1-1Point MAN - (Baird, Madeline) Kill by Lampasona, Alexa (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
2-1Point MAN - (Furquim, Mariana) Attack error by Cooney, Meghan.
3-1Point MAN - (Furquim, Mariana) Kill by Lampasona, Alexa (from Henderson, Hollegn).
3-2Point DAR - (Furquim, Mariana) Service error.so
For MAN: Haselhorst, Sarah.
4-2Point MAN - (Elisa Scudder) Kill by Havens, LaKell (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
For MAN: Huntoon, Kelsey.
4-3Point DAR - (Huntoon, Kelsey) Kill by Dicovitsky, Rose (from Houston, Kendall).so
For DAR: Pohlman, Lucia.
4-4Point DAR - (Pohlman, Lucia) Kill by Villanueva, Annie (from Houston, Kendall).
4-5Point DAR - (Pohlman, Lucia) Kill by Cooney, Meghan (from Houston, Kendall).
4-6Point DAR - (Pohlman, Lucia) Attack error by McGuinness, Malia.
4-7Point DAR - (Pohlman, Lucia) Kill by Villanueva, Annie (from Houston, Kendall).
5-7Point MAN - (Pohlman, Lucia) Kill by McGuinness, Malia (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
For DAR: Dicovitsky, Rose.
5-8Point DAR - (Havens, LaKell) Service error.so
6-8Point MAN - (Cooney, Meghan) Kill by McGuinness, Malia (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
For MAN: Furquim, Mariana.
6-9Point DAR - (Henderson, Hollegn) Kill by Villanueva, Annie (from Houston, Kendall).so
6-10Point DAR - (Bryant, Amber) Attack error by Furquim, Mariana.
6-11Point DAR - (Bryant, Amber) Attack error by Huntoon, Kelsey.
Timeout Manhattan.
7-11Point MAN - (Bryant, Amber) Kill by McGuinness, Malia (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
For MAN: Lampasona, Alexa.
7-12Point DAR - (McGuinness, Malia) Kill by Baird, Madeline (from Houston, Kendall).so
8-12Point MAN - (Houston, Kendall) Service error.so
8-13Point DAR - (Bies, Julie) Kill by Elisa Scudder (from Houston, Kendall).so
9-13Point MAN - (Baird, Madeline) Kill by Havens, LaKell (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
9-14Point DAR - (Furquim, Mariana) Attack error by Lampasona, Alexa (block by Elisa Scudder; Dicovitsky, Rose).so
10-14Point MAN - (Elisa Scudder) Service error.so
For MAN: Huntoon, Kelsey.
10-15Point DAR - (Huntoon, Kelsey) Attack error by McGuinness, Malia.so
For DAR: Pohlman, Lucia.
11-15Point MAN - (Pohlman, Lucia) Kill by McGuinness, Malia (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
For DAR: Dicovitsky, Rose.
12-15Point MAN - (Havens, LaKell) Kill by McGuinness, Malia (from Henderson, Hollegn).
12-16Point DAR - (Havens, LaKell) Kill by Villanueva, Annie (from Houston, Kendall).so
13-16Point MAN - (Cooney, Meghan) Kill by McGuinness, Malia (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
For MAN: Furquim, Mariana.
13-17Point DAR - (Henderson, Hollegn) Kill by Baird, Madeline (from Houston, Kendall).so
13-18Point DAR - (Bryant, Amber) Kill by Cooney, Meghan (from Houston, Kendall).
13-19Point DAR - (Bryant, Amber) Kill by Houston, Kendall (from Elisa Scudder).
For MAN: Aldrich, Jackie.
14-19Point MAN - (Bryant, Amber) Kill by McGuinness, Malia (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
For MAN: Lampasona, Alexa.
14-20Point DAR - (McGuinness, Malia) Attack error by Lampasona, Alexa.so
15-20Point MAN - (Houston, Kendall) Kill by Furquim, Mariana (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
16-20Point MAN - (Bies, Julie) Kill by Furquim, Mariana (from Henderson, Hollegn).
16-21Point DAR - (Bies, Julie) Service error.so
16-22Point DAR - (Baird, Madeline) Kill by Cooney, Meghan (from Bryant, Amber).
16-23Point DAR - (Baird, Madeline) Attack error by McGuinness, Malia.
Timeout Manhattan.
17-23Point MAN - (Baird, Madeline) Kill by Furquim, Mariana (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
17-24Point DAR - (Furquim, Mariana) Service error.so
For MAN: Haselhorst, Sarah.
17-25Point DAR - (Elisa Scudder) Attack error by Havens, LaKell.

2nd Set

For DAR: Houston, Kendall; Villanueva, Annie; Baird, Madeline; Elisa Scudder; Cooney, Meghan; Dicovitsky, Rose; libero Bryant, Amber.
For MAN: Furquim, Mariana; McGuinness, Malia; Heck, Maddie; Lampasona, Alexa; Havens, LaKell; Henderson, Hollegn; libero Bies, Julie.
0-1Point DAR - (Baird, Madeline) Attack error by Furquim, Mariana (block by Dicovitsky, Rose; Elisa Scudder).
0-2Point DAR - (Baird, Madeline) Kill by Cooney, Meghan (from Houston, Kendall).
0-3Point DAR - (Baird, Madeline) Kill by Dicovitsky, Rose.
0-4Point DAR - (Baird, Madeline) Kill by Dicovitsky, Rose (from Baird, Madeline).
0-5Point DAR - (Baird, Madeline) Service ace (TEAM).
Timeout Manhattan.
1-5Point MAN - (Baird, Madeline) Attack error by Dicovitsky, Rose (block by Heck, Maddie; McGuinness, Malia).so
For MAN: DeGagne, Brittany.
1-6Point DAR - (McGuinness, Malia) Attack error by Lampasona, Alexa.so
1-7Point DAR - (Elisa Scudder) Kill by Baird, Madeline (from Houston, Kendall).
2-7Point MAN - (Elisa Scudder) Kill by Lampasona, Alexa.so
2-8Point DAR - (Bies, Julie) Attack error by Furquim, Mariana.so
For DAR: Pohlman, Lucia.
2-9Point DAR - (Pohlman, Lucia) Service ace (Lampasona, Alexa).
2-10Point DAR - (Pohlman, Lucia) Kill by Villanueva, Annie (from Houston, Kendall).
3-10Point MAN - (Pohlman, Lucia) Attack error by Cooney, Meghan (block by Furquim, Mariana; Heck, Maddie).so
3-11Point DAR - (Furquim, Mariana) Attack error by Lampasona, Alexa.so
For MAN: Haselhorst, Sarah.
3-12Point DAR - (Cooney, Meghan) Kill by Baird, Madeline.
4-12Point MAN - (Cooney, Meghan) Kill by Havens, LaKell (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
For MAN: Huntoon, Kelsey.
5-12Point MAN - (Huntoon, Kelsey) Attack error by Baird, Madeline (block by Henderson, Hollegn; Havens, LaKell).
5-13Point DAR - (Huntoon, Kelsey) Kill by Villanueva, Annie (from Houston, Kendall).so
6-13Point MAN - (Bryant, Amber) Kill by McGuinness, Malia (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
6-14Point DAR - (Havens, LaKell) Attack error by McGuinness, Malia.so
7-14Point MAN - (Houston, Kendall) Kill by McGuinness, Malia (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
For MAN: Furquim, Mariana.
7-15Point DAR - (Henderson, Hollegn) Kill by Baird, Madeline (from Houston, Kendall).so
7-16Point DAR - (Baird, Madeline) Kill by Elisa Scudder (from Houston, Kendall).
7-17Point DAR - (Baird, Madeline) Kill by Baird, Madeline (from Houston, Kendall).
7-18Point DAR - (Baird, Madeline) Kill by Elisa Scudder.
Timeout Manhattan.
7-19Point DAR - (Baird, Madeline) Kill by Cooney, Meghan (from Houston, Kendall).
7-20Point DAR - (Baird, Madeline) Kill by Cooney, Meghan (from Houston, Kendall).
8-20Point MAN - (Baird, Madeline) Kill by Furquim, Mariana (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
For MAN: Lampasona, Alexa.
8-21Point DAR - (McGuinness, Malia) Service error.so
8-22Point DAR - (Elisa Scudder) Kill by Villanueva, Annie.
For MAN: Aldrich, Jackie.
9-22Point MAN - (Elisa Scudder) Kill by Furquim, Mariana (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
For MAN: Havens, LaKell.
9-23Point DAR - (Bies, Julie) Kill by Dicovitsky, Rose (from Houston, Kendall).so
For DAR: Schoenberger, Alex; Santa Maria, Alissa.
10-23Point MAN - (Santa Maria, Alissa) Service error.so
10-24Point DAR - (Furquim, Mariana) Kill by Villanueva, Annie (from Santa Maria, Alissa).so
For DAR: Bradley, Taylor.
10-25Point DAR - (Bradley, Taylor) Kill by Villanueva, Annie.

3rd Set

For DAR: Houston, Kendall; Villanueva, Annie; Dicovitsky, Rose; Baird, Madeline; Cooney, Meghan; Elisa Scudder; libero Bryant, Amber.
For MAN: Lampasona, Alexa; Henderson, Hollegn; Furquim, Mariana; DeGagne, Brittany; McGuinness, Malia; Havens, LaKell; libero Haselhorst, Sarah.
0-1Point DAR - (Haselhorst, Sarah) Kill by Elisa Scudder (from Houston, Kendall).so
0-2Point DAR - (Baird, Madeline) Kill by Elisa Scudder (from Houston, Kendall).
0-3Point DAR - (Baird, Madeline) Attack error by McGuinness, Malia.
0-4Point DAR - (Baird, Madeline) Attack error by Lampasona, Alexa.
1-4Point MAN - (Baird, Madeline) Kill by Havens, LaKell (from Lampasona, Alexa).so
For MAN: Huntoon, Kelsey.
1-5Point DAR - (Huntoon, Kelsey) Kill by Elisa Scudder (from Houston, Kendall).so
2-5Point MAN - (Elisa Scudder) Service error.so
2-6Point DAR - (Furquim, Mariana) Kill by Dicovitsky, Rose (from Houston, Kendall).so
For MAN: Bies, Julie.
For DAR: Pohlman, Lucia.
3-6Point MAN - (Pohlman, Lucia) Kill by Havens, LaKell (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
4-6Point MAN - (Havens, LaKell) Service ace (TEAM).
5-6Point MAN - (Havens, LaKell) Attack error by Villanueva, Annie.
5-7Point DAR - (Havens, LaKell) Kill by Villanueva, Annie (from Houston, Kendall).so
5-8Point DAR - (Cooney, Meghan) Kill by Houston, Kendall (from Bryant, Amber).
5-9Point DAR - (Cooney, Meghan) Attack error by McGuinness, Malia.
For DAR: Bradley, Taylor.
5-10Point DAR - (Bradley, Taylor) Attack error by DeGagne, Brittany.
For MAN: Heck, Maddie.
6-10Point MAN - (Bradley, Taylor) Kill by McGuinness, Malia (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
For MAN: Lampasona, Alexa.
7-10Point MAN - (Henderson, Hollegn) Kill by Lampasona, Alexa (from Henderson, Hollegn).
8-10Point MAN - (Henderson, Hollegn) Kill by Lampasona, Alexa (from Henderson, Hollegn).
For DAR: Cooney, Meghan.
8-11Point DAR - (Henderson, Hollegn) Attack error by Lampasona, Alexa.so
8-12Point DAR - (Bryant, Amber) Attack error by Lampasona, Alexa.
9-12Point MAN - (Bryant, Amber) Service error.so
For MAN: Furquim, Mariana.
10-12Point MAN - (McGuinness, Malia) Attack error by Baird, Madeline.
10-13Point DAR - (McGuinness, Malia) Kill by Elisa Scudder (from Houston, Kendall).so
11-13Point MAN - (Houston, Kendall) Kill by Furquim, Mariana (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
11-14Point DAR - (Haselhorst, Sarah) Attack error by Furquim, Mariana.so
11-15Point DAR - (Baird, Madeline) Attack error by Havens, LaKell (block by Pohlman, Lucia; Elisa Scudder).
11-16Point DAR - (Baird, Madeline) Kill by Cooney, Meghan (from Bryant, Amber).
Timeout Manhattan.
12-16Point MAN - (Baird, Madeline) Kill by Furquim, Mariana (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
For MAN: Huntoon, Kelsey.
12-17Point DAR - (Huntoon, Kelsey) Attack error by Furquim, Mariana (block by Elisa Scudder; Cooney, Meghan; Pohlman, Lucia).so
13-17Point MAN - (Elisa Scudder) Service error.so
14-17Point MAN - (Furquim, Mariana) Service ace (Cooney, Meghan).
14-18Point DAR - (Furquim, Mariana) Kill by Villanueva, Annie (from Houston, Kendall).so
For MAN: Bies, Julie.
14-19Point DAR - (Pohlman, Lucia) Attack error by McGuinness, Malia.
15-19Point MAN - (Pohlman, Lucia) Kill by Havens, LaKell (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
16-19Point MAN - (Havens, LaKell) Kill by McGuinness, Malia.
Timeout Dartmouth.
17-19Point MAN - (Havens, LaKell) Kill by Heck, Maddie.
For DAR: Santa Maria, Alissa; Schoenberger, Alex.
18-19Point MAN - (Havens, LaKell) Service ace (Baird, Madeline).
19-19Point MAN - (Havens, LaKell) Attack error by Cooney, Meghan.
19-20Point DAR - (Havens, LaKell) Attack error by McGuinness, Malia.so
19-21Point DAR - (Cooney, Meghan) Service ace (TEAM).
19-22Point DAR - (Cooney, Meghan) Attack error by McGuinness, Malia.
20-22Point MAN - (Cooney, Meghan) Attack error by Cooney, Meghan (block by Heck, Maddie).so
For MAN: Lampasona, Alexa.
20-23Point DAR - (Henderson, Hollegn) Kill by Baird, Madeline (from Schoenberger, Alex).so
Timeout Manhattan.
21-23Point MAN - (Bryant, Amber) Kill by Lampasona, Alexa (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
For MAN: Furquim, Mariana.
For DAR: Houston, Kendall.
For DAR: Pohlman, Lucia.
21-24Point DAR - (McGuinness, Malia) Attack error by Furquim, Mariana.so
22-24Point MAN - (Houston, Kendall) Kill by Lampasona, Alexa (from Henderson, Hollegn).so
23-24Point MAN - (Haselhorst, Sarah) Kill by Havens, LaKell (from Henderson, Hollegn).
Timeout Dartmouth.
23-25Point DAR - (Haselhorst, Sarah) Kill by Pohlman, Lucia (from Houston, Kendall).so