Manhattan vs Fordham (8/29/10)


Soccer Box Score

Soccer Box Score (Final)
2010 Manhattan College Women's Soccer
Manhattan vs Fordham (8/29/10 at Bronx, N.Y.)

Manhattan (1-1-0) vs.
Fordham (3-0-0)
Date: 8/29/10 Attendance: 386
Weather: Sunny skies, 88 degrees

Goals by period   OT  O2  Total 

Pos  ##  Player  Sh  SOG   G   A 
GK   99  Davis, Kara  
  3   Iovine, Alex  
  7   Lavecchia, Megan  
  8   Gleason, Tara  
  9   Bucci, Kara  
  11  Lutz, Devon  
  14  Morse, Caroline  
  19  Reinhard, Claire  
  20  Miyaki, Michelle  
  22  Greco, Marissa  
  23  Pfeiffer, Allison  
      --- Substitutes --- 
  2   Egan, Brittany  
  6   Howden, Kayla  
  10  Spiros, Kristin  
  18  Jordan, Kathleen  
  29  Kaplan, Caroline  
  31  Jones, Sara  
  36  Schlauder, Janie  

##  Goalie  Minutes   GA  Saves 
99  Davis, Kara   104:14  11 

Pos  ##  Player  Sh  SOG   G   A 
GK   1   SUTHER, Rachel  
  5   ALPAUGH, Kelley  
  8   CARBALLEIRA, Kaitlyn 
  9   WAH, Katherine  
  12  SOLIMINE, Mary  
  14  ANCELJ, Michelle  
  15  WALKER, Kelsey  
  19  NOWAKOWSKI, Lauren  
  22  McDERMOTT, Katie  
  27  INGRAM, Danielle  
      --- Substitutes --- 
  3   ROONEY, Cara  
  6   O'CONOR, Megan  
  7   WORDEN, Annie  
  11  BERGIN, Avilla  
  16  NOWAKOWSKI, Casey  
  18  ROMANO, Mariella  
  21  ABRAMS, Kaitlin  
    Totals.........  21  13 

##  Goalie  Minutes   GA  Saves 
1   SUTHER, Rachel   104:14 

Shots by period   OT  O2  Total 
Fordham  21 
Corner kicks   OT  O2  Total 
Saves by period   OT  O2  Total 
Manhattan  11 
Fouls   OT  O2  Total 

Goal  Time  Team  Goal Scorer  Assists  Description 
1.  1:02  FOR   INGRAM, Danielle (1)  ANCELJ, Michelle  14 goes wide, cross back to 27, shot from 10 yds to far post 
2.  1:13  MANW   Morse, Caroline (1)  (unassisted)  goes around defender, bender shot inside right post from 12 yds 
3.  104:14  FOR   ROMANO, Mariella (1)  McDERMOTT, Katie  indirect cross from 21 yards out, 18 heads in from left side 


Officials: Referee: Whitney Stark; Asst. Referee: Brian Dunn; Rich Gramolini; Timekeeper: Stiven Misevic; Scorer: Alex Lake;
Offsides: Manhattan 0, Fordham 3.


Play-by-Play Summary

Play-by-Play (Final)
2010 Manhattan College Women's Soccer
Manhattan vs Fordham (8/29/10 at Bronx, N.Y.)

1st Period

[00:00] Davis, Kara at goalie for Manhattan.
[00:00] SUTHER, Rachel at goalie for Fordham.
[01:02] GOAL by FOR INGRAM, Danielle (FIRST GOAL), Assist by ANCELJ, Michelle, goal number 1 for season.
Fordham 1, Manhattan 0
*14 goes wide, cross back to 27, shot from 10 yds to far post
[01:13] GOAL by MANW Morse, Caroline, goal number 1 for season.
Manhattan 1, Fordham 1
*goes around defender, bender shot inside right post from 12 yds
Corner kick by FOR SOLIMINE, Mary [05:19].
Corner kick by FOR SOLIMINE, Mary [07:00].
[07:26] Header Shot by FOR WAH, Katherine WIDE RIGHT.
[11:05] Shot by MANW Greco, Marissa WIDE RIGHT.
[12:15] Shot by FOR ANCELJ, Michelle HIGH.
[12:31] MANW substitution: Kaplan, Caroline for Gleason, Tara.
Corner kick by FOR SOLIMINE, Mary [13:33].
[15:57] Shot by MANW Morse, Caroline WIDE.
Foul on Fordham.
[17:33] FOR substitution: WORDEN, Annie for WAH, Katherine.
[17:33] FOR substitution: ROMANO, Mariella for INGRAM, Danielle.
[17:33] FOR substitution: ABRAMS, Kaitlin for WALKER, Kelsey.
[22:28] FOR substitution: O'CONOR, Megan for ALPAUGH, Kelley.
[24:10] FOR substitution: ROONEY, Cara for DOUGHERTY HOWARD, Ke.
[24:10] MANW substitution: Schlauder, Janie for Lutz, Devon.
[24:10] MANW substitution: Pfeiffer, Allison for Howden, Kayla.
[24:10] MANW substitution: Spiros, Kristin for Lavecchia, Megan.
[27:54] MANW substitution: Egan, Brittany for Greco, Marissa.
[31:16] Shot by MANW Morse, Caroline, SAVE SUTHER, Rachel.
[32:26] Shot by FOR ANCELJ, Michelle, SAVE Davis, Kara.
Foul on Manhattan.
[35:05] Shot by FOR WORDEN, Annie, SAVE Davis, Kara.
[35:26] Offside against Fordham.
[36:45] Offside against Fordham.
[37:24] MANW substitution: Jordan, Kathleen for Morse, Caroline.
[38:01] FOR substitution: NOWAKOWSKI, Casey for ANCELJ, Michelle.
[42:07] Shot by FOR WORDEN, Annie BLOCKED.
[42:20] Shot by FOR McDERMOTT, Katie, SAVE Davis, Kara.
Foul on Fordham.
[42:53] Shot by MANW Howden, Kayla, SAVE SUTHER, Rachel.
Corner kick by FOR SOLIMINE, Mary [44:37].
[45:00] Shot by FOR WORDEN, Annie, SAVE Davis, Kara.
[45:00] Shot by FOR McDERMOTT, Katie, SAVE Davis, Kara.
End of period [45:00].

2nd Period

Start of 2nd period [45:00].
[45:00] Shot by FOR NOWAKOWSKI, Casey, SAVE Davis, Kara.
[78:00] Shot by MANW Morse, Caroline WIDE.
For FOR: #1 SUTHER, Rachel, #4 DOUGHERTY HOWARD, Ke, #5 ALPAUGH, Kelley, #6 O'CONOR, Megan, #8 CARBALLEIRA, Kaitlyn, #11 BERGIN, Avilla, #12 SOLIMINE, Mary, #14 ANCELJ, Michelle, #19 NOWAKOWSKI, Lauren, #22 McDERMOTT, Katie, #27 INGRAM, Danielle.
For MANW: .
[45:00] FOR substitution: BERGIN, Avilla for NOWAKOWSKI, Casey.
Corner kick by MANW Greco, Marissa [45:46].
Foul on Manhattan.
[51:16] Shot by MANW Greco, Marissa, SAVE SUTHER, Rachel.
[53:50] Shot by MANW Pfeiffer, Allison, SAVE SUTHER, Rachel.
[55:22] MANW substitution: Miyaki, Michelle for Greco, Marissa.
[58:43] FOR substitution: DOUGHERTY HOWARD, Ke for ALPAUGH, Kelley.
[61:59] Shot by FOR WORDEN, Annie HIGH.
[64:41] Shot by FOR ANCELJ, Michelle, SAVE Davis, Kara.
[65:20] MANW substitution: Kaplan, Caroline for Gleason, Tara.
[65:20] MANW substitution: Spiros, Kristin for Egan, Brittany.
[70:04] Offside against Fordham.
[72:45] Shot by FOR INGRAM, Danielle, SAVE Davis, Kara.
Corner kick by FOR SOLIMINE, Mary [73:09].
[73:51] MANW substitution: Jordan, Kathleen for Morse, Caroline.
[74:19] Shot by FOR INGRAM, Danielle BLOCKED.
Corner kick by FOR SOLIMINE, Mary [74:33].
[76:15] MANW substitution: Gleason, Tara for Kaplan, Caroline.
[76:15] MANW substitution: Schlauder, Janie for Iovine, Alex.
Foul on Fordham.
[78:44] FOR substitution: ALPAUGH, Kelley for BERGIN, Avilla.
[80:02] Shot by FOR McDERMOTT, Katie, SAVE Davis, Kara.
[80:58] Shot by FOR McDERMOTT, Katie WIDE RIGHT.
[81:35] MANW substitution: Lavecchia, Megan for Pfeiffer, Allison.
[81:35] MANW substitution: Morse, Caroline for Jordan, Kathleen.
Corner kick by FOR SOLIMINE, Mary [84:26].
[85:11] MANW substitution: Egan, Brittany for Spiros, Kristin.
End of period [90:00].

OT Period

Start of OT period [90:00].
For MANW: #99 Davis, Kara, #36 Schlauder, Janie, #11 Lutz, Devon, #19 Reinhard, Claire, #20 Miyaki, Michelle, #23 Pfeiffer, Allison, #14 Morse, Caroline, #9 Bucci, Kara, #2 Egan, Brittany, #7 Lavecchia, Megan, #8 Gleason, Tara.
For FOR: #1 SUTHER, Rachel, #4 DOUGHERTY HOWARD, Ke, #5 ALPAUGH, Kelley, #7 WORDEN, Annie, #8 CARBALLEIRA, Kaitlyn, #27 INGRAM, Danielle, #14 ANCELJ, Michelle, #21 ABRAMS, Kaitlin, #12 SOLIMINE, Mary, #19 NOWAKOWSKI, Lauren, #22 McDERMOTT, Katie.
Foul on Manhattan.
[93:54] FOR substitution: ROMANO, Mariella for INGRAM, Danielle.
[94:34] Shot by FOR ROMANO, Mariella HIGH.
[96:45] Shot by FOR ROMANO, Mariella, SAVE Davis, Kara.
Corner kick by FOR SOLIMINE, Mary [97:28].
[97:52] Shot by FOR ABRAMS, Kaitlin, SAVE Davis, Kara.
[98:13] MANW substitution: Kaplan, Caroline for Jordan, Kathleen.
End of period [100:00].

OT2 Period

Start of OT2 period [100:00].
[100:00] FOR substitution: BERGIN, Avilla for ALPAUGH, Kelley.
[100:00] MANW substitution: Iovine, Alex for Lutz, Devon.
[102:27] MANW substitution: Jones, Sara for Howden, Kayla.
Foul on Manhattan.
[104:14] GOAL by FOR ROMANO, Mariella, Assist by McDERMOTT, Katie, goal number 1 for season.
Fordham 2, Manhattan 1
*indirect cross from 21 yards out, 18 heads in from left side
End of period [104:14].
Fordham 2, Manhattan 1